We LOVE "hoarder homes"!

We often come across estates where the estate owner will tell us:

"I gotta warn ya.  It's a mess inside!"

Unfortunately, many people equate packed, messy, box-filled homes as homes full of trash.

And that often means the family will end up getting a dumpster to throw out "the trash", not realizing that what they think is trash is actually the kind of items that make people go to estate sales!

If you have an estate that looks like it might be a good candidate for the "hoarder home" label, give us a call.

We specialize in digging and unpacking all those boxes to find the value your estate is hiding.

So how valuable can all that "trash" be?  Here's some examples:

Here's an old wicker chaise we uncovered in the basement of a home we recently did.  It needed some repair work, but it was still in sound structural condition.  Some people might consider it trash.  Who'd want an old chaise lounge like this?

We sold it for close to $250.

This circa 1970's bedroom set may look odd, but not too impressive.  Most people who saw it just saw "ugly 70's bedroom furniture".

But a little bit of research showed this was a rare Lane bedroom set in a much sought-after line they called "Staccato".

The set sold for over $600.

Most old books don't really bring in a lot of interest (or money) at an estate sale.  

But these books were a bit special.  Old pulp fiction novels have a strong following.

The story lines, the cover art...these little books have a big market.

These little gems sold for close to $100 total.